So you want to know about micro blogging sites list that will not only help you to drive traffic to your main blog but also allow you share content in the cramped form with large number of audience, Am ‘I Right??
There is not much big difference between blogging and micro-blogging, it’s just about the content length; ya!
Many of us don’t even know that we do micro-blogging daily, the facts about micro-blogging is going to surprise you, so keep reading.
In blogging we need to write long and detailed content of more then 300+ words but while in case of micro blogging we can sum-up content within 200 characters or even less.
In this article I am going to share with you top 10 micro blogging sites list that will blow your mind & also going to show you how this micro blogging websites can help you out throughout your blogging journey.
Before sharing the list of micro blogging sites lets first understand what does micro-blogging means??
What is mean by micro blogging?
Sharing content in little pieces or in very fewer characters is generally known as micro blogging and its similar to blogging, the difference is here the length of posting.
The short messages containing the valuable information are the best micro blogging example.
Posting regularly sweet and short content in the form of text, videos, links, and images is the great way to build trust as well as reach your targeted audience.
Below is some key difference of micro blogging vs blogging
- The length of the post is more then 300+ words
- You can explain topic in detail.
- It takes research and more time to write a blog post
Related guide: best blogging sites in India
Micro blogging
- The length of post is cramped even less than 140 characters
- You can write fast in no time and can publish it quickly
- You have character limits.
Now the question triggering in your mind may be that what is the most popular micro blogging site?? The short answer is “twitter” Ya! it is one of the best micro blogging site with more than 7.10B users.
So know without any more add-on let’s talk about 10 micro blogging platform.
10 best micro blogging sites list 2022

#1 Twitter
You are aware of this platform and even have been using it from a long time but do you know that twitter is the most popular micro-blogging site through which we can share short informational content in the form of ‘tweets’ up-to 280 characters, before it was 140.
You can even add blog post link, images, polls, GIF, Hashtags , Etc.
Twitter is been used by many celebrities and professionals to grow their audience.
D.A: 94
Monthly visit: 7.10B
Price: Free
#2 Pinterest:

Our brain consumes visual things easily and this is the platform that can help you to share your content in the form of images, info-graphics, links etc.
You can even share your new published article on pinterest and can get an initial traffic on your blog.
D.A: 94
Monthly visit: 945. 30M
Price: free
#3 Plurk:

This is a free bookmarking and micro-blogging websites that allows us to share links, images, and videos with your followers on plurk.
D.A: 89
Monthly visit:
Price: Free
#4 Instagram:

You may be having a question that Is Instagram a micro blog?? the short answer is Yes! you can share content in the form of short messages(posts, reels etc.)
This website has become more popular with time & we also use it for entertainment purpose for watching reels, reading posts but it has been a great marketing tool for businesses & influencer and they are utilizing this platform to create valuable pieces of content in micro-blogging form and are able to generate even great revenue from it.
Instagram is a social media platform that allows us to post small content and beautiful images and hence it is also a type micro-blogging site.
D.A: 93
Monthly visit: 6.50B
Price: Free
#5 Reddit:

with 100k+ active communities this platform has grown very fast in this digital world, reddit is not only like a social media platform but a big forum that has varieties of community in multiple niches.
After creating an account on reddit you can write post, add links, can join communities, comments, can up-vote others posts etc.
You can use it to share your new content, short content, links etc.
D.A: 92
Monthly visit: 1.70B
Price: Free
#6 Vk:

It is also one of the best social networking and micro blogging Russian site available in multiple languages that you can use to connect with various people and can even create pages, Groups etc.
D.A: 96
Monthly visit: 1.50B
Price: Free
#7 Tumblr :
It is a great platform to share your content in short and crispy form, you can even create a blog for yourself using this platform.
you can also read my detailed guide on how to start blogging in india in 2022
You can share images, links, and posts videos using this amazing platform.
Tumblr is user friendly and clean interface micro-blogging platform with easy customization options.
D.A: 86
Monthly visit: 19.70B
Price: Free
#8 Folkd:

It is a social bookmarking site founded in 2006 by Bastian Karweg, you can save your bookmarks and links and even can search what your friends like.
D.A: 69
Monthly visit: 384.00k
Price: Free
#9 Meet me:
This is another micro-blogging and networking website that allows us to expand business by meeting with like minded people.
You can chat, go live and can build good networking using meet me.
D.A: 67
Monthly visit: 4.50M
Price: Free
#10 Apsense:

You can connect with broader audience using this web 2.0 social network and micro-blogging site. You can even create content and can share with your network in Apsense.
It is a great site for businesses, professionals to grow and build loyal audience
D.A: 74
Monthly visit: 118.30k
Price: Free
So the above were some micro-blogging platform list with good D.A (Domain authority).
Now it’s time to share with you some tips about micro blogging that can help you in your entire blogging journey.
If you already have your blog then the above free micro blogging submission sites can help you to bring initial traffic to your blog, yes! But the question is how??

First thing that you can do is just go and create accounts on the above websites if you don’t have already.
After that you can start creating short posts on above micro-blogging platforms and can link back your article related to it, you can create short videos that works well nowadays, reels are the best to start with.
You can even add your blog link in bio and can divert the traffic through it.
Adding links in bio and intro on the above platforms can also help you to get high D.A (Domain authority) back-link that is also good from S.E.O (Search engine optimization) point of view.
But what if you don’t have a blog or website?? Just read below
Can I start blogging without website?
Yes! You can, there are some platforms available on which you can start your blogging journey, you even don’t need to create a blog or website.
The website like LinkedIn allows us to create posts and publish via their platforms.
Through this best micro-blogging sites list you can create short posts and can even drive initial traffic to your main blog and I hope you have got the complete information that you were looking for after reading this article.
Please consider sharing this article with your friends who may be interested in learning about micro-blogging platforms.
See you again in another article & if you have any question or query then drop it in comment box I will surely answer to it.
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